If you believe that you were discriminated against send an e-mail to: zxq222@gmail.com
Your e-mail needs to contain:
1. Name and addresss of the company that discriminated against you.
2. Name and positions of the people that discriminated against you.
3. Names and addresses of witnesses you may have that can verify what happended
4. Describe each act of discriminination providing the date each act occurred.
✔ After you have forwarded your email, you can call us see if we can accept your case.
✔ Sending the email does NOT create an attorney cleint relationship.
✔ If we accept your case we will forward a written retainer agreement for your signature.
Our sole objective is to maximize your recovery if you were fired or not hired due to of your race, age or gender. Were you discriminated against because of your disability, pregnancy, if your employer failed to take action to prevent sexual harassment on the job, if your were you fired or demoted to a lower-status position after you reported wrongdoing by your employer? These are discimination issues we will evaluate about your case.
It is illegal to discriminate against an employee because of disability, age, race, sex, or pregnancy, religion or national origin. It is also illegal to discriminate against an employee because he or she is a whistleblower who reported certain illegal activity or fraud.
Your can send an e-mail about your case to: zxq222@gmail.com and can attach any documents relating to your case. The forwarding of an e-mail does not form the basis of an attorney client relationship. After you send an e-mail with any supporting documents, you should call to confirm receipt.
If you have been wrongfully fired or treated unfairly because of illegal employment discrimination, upon receipt of your call, we will review your case to determine if you have a case and to evalutate your damages. For decades, our law firm has been a loud voice for the rights of workers, labor unions and injured employees in Michigan. We will vigorously fight for your employee rights and work to recover damages for the harm you have suffered as a result of illegal discrimination or workplace harassment.
What Is Illegal Discrimination in the Workplace?
In Maryland employment discrimination means adverse, illegal action against an employee simply because they are a member of a protected class. Protected classes include race, gender, religion, age, employees who are disabled or considered disabled, among others. It is also possible for men, Caucasians and others to be subject to reverse discrimination.
Adverse employment action is not limited to the firing of an employee. It can refer to a variety of unfair treatment because of an employee's age, race, sex, disability, or because the employee reported illegal discrimination or activity. Some examples of adverse actions are:
Discrimination is to any the act of treating someone in a different manner on the basis of that person's fixed characteristics such as gender, race, national origion or age. The legal definition of discrimination is different than the dictionary definition of discrimination. Under the different statutes only certain types of actions are considered discrimination and only certain classes or types of discrimination are violation of the statutes. legal when actions turns into a condition of employment to make a work environment that a would considered intimidating or abusive.
Illegal conduct can include threats, name calling, or offensive jokes.
The person doing the harrassing can be the supervisor or sometimes a co-worker.
The employer becomes generally liable for conduct that is done by a supervisor that results in termination or not hiring or not promoting
Employment law is based on a complicated interaction of state and federal laws designed to establish the rights and obligations of both employers and employees in the employment relationship. In general the workplace rights are varied and complicated and can apply to employees people looking for jobs, past employees and these cases often involving constitutional rights.
Jack I. Hyatt Attorney has support professionals who provide the expertise and experience needed to help employees that have been injured by illegal employment practices. We can help individuals protect and assert their rights in the workplace.
Contact our office for assistance in learning financial, legal, and emotional issues related to rights violated by an employer's unfair employment practices.
Every employee, former employee and job applicant has many different types of rights in the workplace that have been established by state and federal law. While employment disputes are often complex our office understands how to detect what the legal issues are and how to proceed.